Remove Background from Signature
Make your signature transparent so you can use it in multiple documents. Remove background from signature with Pixelied’s online solution.
How to make a signature transparent in 4 steps
You don’t have to learn Photoshop to create a transparent signature. You can remove the background from a signature in a few minutes with Pixelied directly in your browser.
Upload an image of your signature
Upload an image of your signature or drag it into the editor in JPG or PNG format.
Select your signature
Select your signature by clicking on it.
Click the “Remove BG” button
Click the “Remove BG” button from the menu bar above the image to make the signature transparent.
Download your transparent signature image
Click on the “Download” button when you’re done to save your image in multiple file formats.
The free toolkit for easy, beautiful images
Pixelied is a quick and easy solution to create transparent signatures. Our online signature background remover tool lets you erase your signature’s background with only one click.
Instantly Remove Background from Signature
You don’t have to learn complicated photo editing software to remove the background from a signature. You can achieve your goal immediately with Pixelied.
Our AI-driven background removal solution automatically detects your signature and makes it transparent so you can reuse it across multiple documents.
Make Signature Transparent with Accuracy & Precision
Create a signature you can use in online documents in seconds. Our cloud-based solution extracts your signature from an image immediately.
After examining countless online images, our algorithm can accurately identify your handwritten signature and transform it into a reusable transparent image.
Remove Signature Background without Losing Quality
Erase the background from a signature with a single click. Then download your creation in multiple file formats that are compatible with online platforms.
Pixelied’s signature removal tool helps you produce an accurate digital replica of your signature so you can quickly sign online documents.
Create a Transparent Signature of Complex Images
Sign every online document as you would in a real-life one. Our signature background removal solution makes a clean cutout of your signature, no matter how complex.
Make a signature transparent and fine-tune it by rotating and adjusting its dimensions to fit in any document.
Erase Signature Background with More Customizations
Center your signature so it’s easier to add to documents. Use the crop tool to remove its edges.
Help the viewer focus on your signature. Blur the image slightly so only the signature is visible.
Drop Shadow
Add a bit of flair to your online signature. Use shadows to make it more dramatic.
Add a border to highlight your signature and separate it from the rest of the document.
Flip your signature so you can quickly sign upside-down documents if needed.
Correct your signature’s alignment. Rotate it so it will align perfectly with the document.
More Than Just a Signature Background Remover
Pixelied is more than a transparent signature maker. Our online image editor helps you create memorable visuals from scratch or ready-made templates. Erasing the background from a signature is only one of the many features you can use. With Pixelied, you can improve the quality of your images, add filters and special effects, and produce remarkable designs.
Frequently Asked Questions
To make signature transparent, upload your photo or drag n drop it to the editor. Next, remove the background from the signature by clicking on the ‘Remove BG’ button. Once done, download your transparent image in multiple file formats.
First, upload your image using the above button or drag and drop it into the editor. Make the signature transparent by clicking on the ‘Remove BG’ button. Once the background has been removed, download the photo in multiple high-res formats.
Pixelied is the best online app to erase background from signature without Photoshop or specialized software. The application can help remove the background from your photo and make it transparent.
Pixelied is a free online photo editing tool that’s easy to use and requires no technical skills of complicated software like Photoshop or Gimp.
Yes, you can fully customize an image by adding text, icons, photos, elements, illustrations, mockups, etc.
Yes, the downloaded images can be used for personal and commercial purposes without attribution.